Dr. Karni Perlman
Dr. Karni Perlman specializes in the field of Law and Conflict Resolution both academically and in practice.
Karni is a Lecturer and the Head of the Non-Adversarial and Therapeutic Justice Center at the Striks School of Law, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel.
She is also an adjunct lecturer at the Evens Program in Mediation
and Conflict Resolution, Tel-Aviv University.
Perlman is the author of various academic articles and other publications concerning Alternative Dispute Resolution, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Settlement Judging and Judicial Dispute Resolution, Problem-Solver Lawyers, Procedural Justice, Mediation,
Collaborative Law, Gender, and Legal Education.
At the level of legal practice, Perlman is a lawyer and a well-known
mediator who actively mediates cases in the field of commercial and labor law.
She serves also as a coach of student teams which participate regularly in an international mediation and negotiation competition.
Perlman is the founder and former chairperson of the first Israeli academic mediation center.

Perlman K. (2018) Settlement Adjudication and Judicial Responsiveness: The Choice Between a Wide and a Narrow Model.In: Sourdin T., Zariski A. (eds) The Responsive Judge. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, vol 67, p. 61-86, Springer, Singapore
Contact Information
Email: Karnip1@netvision.net.il
Phone number: +972-522-65446

Conflict Resolution
Applying Non-Adversarial and Therapeutic Justice
Perlman's book, "Conflict Resolution – Applying Non-Adversarial and Therapeutic Justice" introduces important transformations that have taken place in the content of judges' roles as dispute settlers and explains the nature of settlement judging and therapeutic judging.
It also describes the change that is taking place in the
content of lawyers' roles.
For the English version of the book's